Student Awards and Scholarships
2024 Selection Procedures
The Gwinnett Alliance for Gifted Education (GAGE) is pleased to sponsor Student of the Year (SOY) awards, Summer Scholarships and Graduating Senior Scholarships for students in the Gwinnett County Public School Gifted Program.
Recipients will receive invitations and be honored at the annual GAGE Awards Ceremony on April 24, 2024, 6:00pm arrival, ceremony will start at 6:30pm.
Gwinnett County Public Schools' J. Alvin Wilbanks Instructional Support Center (ISC) is located at:
437 Old Peachtree Road, NW · Suwanee, Georgia 30024-2978
GAGE Student of the Year Award (all schools)
Each school in GCPS may select a student who has made the most of experiences in the gifted program, has made a positive impact on the learning experiences of others, and/or has served the school in significant ways. Each school will determine the criteria and process by which the student will be selected.
Each school should submit the following information to the form link below by March 29, 2024: 1) the name of the school, 2) the student’s name as it should appear on the certificate, 3) a phonetic pronunciation, 4) the name and email of the contact teacher, and 5) parent contact email. Link:
GAGE Elementary School Scholarships (K-5th grade)
1) Summer Scholarship - $100 each :
Theme: Elementary Prompt:
Being a GCPS student is about more than the classes you take. What you take from the classes is even more important. During your classes, you learn about positive characteristics like empathy, critical thinking, communication, adaptability, resourcefulness, and collaborative leadership. Pick one of these characteristics that represent who you are as a student. In words or words with pictures, explain what the characteristic means to you and describe how it has been a part of your life.
Your work will be judged by the rubric below.
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Define the Competency |
Detailed definition of competency with connection to the author |
Competency defined with connection to the author |
Competency defined or competency connected to the author |
No definition or connection |
Explanation of how this compacity was demonstrated in the author’s life |
Detailed narrative of competency in situation. |
Decent narrative of competency in situation. |
Limited narrative of competency in situation. |
Minimal narrative of competency in situation. |
Author's Voice |
Purposefully engages and orients the reader by sharing multiple situations and establishing their connection to this competency. |
Engages and orients the reader by sharing a situation and a connection to this competency. |
Attempts to engage the reader by sharing a situation but does not connect to this competency |
Does not attempt to engage the reader by sharing and connecting to this competency. |
If you need help understanding these characteristics, you might want to read one of these books.
Write an essay of 300 words or less to answer the question above. Include your name, school, and homeroom teacher. Submit your essay to your gifted teacher(s), who will select a maximum of two essays for your school. Each school’s selected essays must be submitted digitally to GAGE by March 29, 2024 at
A. Create a one-minute video to answer the question above. Submit your video along with some general information (name, teacher, etc.) here: You will also need to submit a PDF statement from your teacher or guidance counselor confirming your participation in the gifted program. Here is a resource for creating videos through the local library: Videos and teacher/counselor statements must be submitted by March 29, 2024.
GAGE Middle - High School Scholarships (6th- 12th grade)
1) Summer Scholarship - $100 each Middle School or High School Prompt
Being a GCPS graduate is about more than just the classes you take; what you take from those classes is equally, if not even more, important. The portrait of a GCPS graduate includes six competencies: empathy, critical thinking, communication, adaptability, collaborative leadership, and resourcefulness. Each of these competencies work together to build a pallet that will help you paint your masterpiece as a student and graduate of Gwinnett County Schools. Explain what one of these competencies means to you and share how you have demonstrated it during your school career.
Your submission will be judged by the rubric below:
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Define the Competency |
Detailed definition of competency with connection to the author |
Competency defined with connection to the author |
Competency defined or competency connected to the author |
No definition or connection |
Explanation of how this compacity was demonstrated in the author’s life |
Detailed narrative of competency in situation. |
Decent narrative of competency in situation. |
Limited narrative of competency in situation. |
Minimal narrative of competency in situation. |
Author's Voice |
Purposefully engages and orients the reader by sharing multiple situations and establishing their connection to this competency. |
Engages and orients the reader by sharing a situation and a connection to this competency. |
Attempts to engage the reader by sharing a situation but does not connect to this competency |
Does not attempt to engage the reader by sharing and connecting to this competency. |
Write an essay of 300 words or less to answer the question above. Include your name, school, and homeroom teacher. Submit your essay to your gifted teacher(s), who will select a maximum of two essays for your school. Each school’s selected essays must be submitted digitally to GAGE by March 29, 2024 at
C. Create a one-minute video to answer the question above. Submit your video along with some general information (name, teacher, etc.) here: You will also need to submit a PDF statement from your teacher or guidance counselor confirming your participation in the gifted program. Here is a resource for creating videos through the local library: Videos and teacher/counselor statements must be submitted by March 29, 2024.
2) Ruth Cowan Scholarship Award - $500 **Must be a graduating senior**
A. Write an essay of 300 words or less to answer the question above. Include your name, school, and homeroom teacher. Submit your essay to your gifted teacher(s), who will select a maximum of two essays for your school. Each school’s selected essays must be submitted digitally to GAGE by March 29, 2024 at
B. Create a two-minute video to answer the question above. Submit your video along with some general information (name, teacher, etc.) here: You will also need to submit a PDF statement from your high school counselor confirming your participation in the gifted program. Here is a resource for creating videos through the local library: Videos and counselor statements must be submitted by March 29, 2024.
3) Annette Eger All Children Are Gifts Scholarship Award - $500 **Must be a graduating senior and twice exceptional**
A. Write an essay of 300 words or less to answer the question above. Include your name, school, and homeroom teacher. Submit your essay to your gifted teacher(s), who will select a maximum of two essays for your school and confirm you are twice exceptional. Each school’s selected essays must be submitted digitally to GAGE by March 29, 2024 at
B. Create a two-minute video to answer the question above. Submit your video along with some general information (name, teacher, etc.) here: You will also need to submit a PDF statement from your high school counselor confirming your participation in the gifted program and that you are twice-exceptional. Here is a resource for creating videos through the local library: Videos and counselor statements must be submitted by March 29, 2024.