Gwinnett Alliance for Gifted Education
Enriching the Learning Environment of Gifted Students
Gwinnett Alliance for Gifted Education is a non-profit organization committed to the support, encouragement and advancement of gifted, accelerated, and advanced content students. The organization is made up of volunteers, mainly teachers, parents, and community leaders, working together to ensure the quality of gifted education.
As a local affiliate of the Georgia Association of Gifted Children (http://www.gagc.org), GAGE research and develop resources that could meet the unique learning needs of gifted students in Gwinnett County, Georgia.
GAGE Commitment
The Gwinnett Alliance for Gifted Education is committed to:
- Promoting awareness of and provide information about the education and social/emotional needs of gifted, accelerated, and advanced content students.
- Supporting Gwinnett County Public Schools gifted department and its teachers in their efforts to meet the needs of gifted students.
- Providing opportunities for students to participate in challenging programs, receive scholarships and awards.
- Networking with parents, educators, and community organizations by circulating news and information through our website, newsletters, and emails.

GAGE Mission
GAGE strives to enrich the learning environment of gifted, accelerated, and advanced content students with the implementation of Saturday Exploration Program, a project-based series of classes designed to challenge and enhance the learning needs of high achieving students. In addition, teachers who are members of GAGE can apply for classroom grants to use for implementing challenging activities.
GAGE seeks to disseminate information about current trends and issues concerning giftedness and high achieving students. Quarterly newsletters are emailed to members addressing specific topics like the characteristics of giftedness, equity in gifted education, acceleration classes, and high achieving students.
The website has a Resource section full of links to a variety of educational sources. Eventually, the website blog will list articles written by professionals in the field of gifted and accelerated education.
GAGE desires to enhance the professional knowledge and skills of educators and parents by providing a variety of training opportunities. Workshops are free and available for anyone interested in attending. They are usually held in the evening on a week day and during the Saturday Exploration Program. While the students are attending their class, the adults can attend educational seminars.
GAGE promotes ways to encourage extended learning for students through scholarship opportunities. Graduating seniors can apply for college scholarships. Elementary and middle school students can apply for Saturday Exploration Program scholarships.